[News] Website Update + More

Hi all,

If you’ve looked around in the last few days, you’ll have noticed one of two things: a website that was a bit flakey and didn’t really work, if you caught it while I was still working on it, or a shiny new photo album for the website! The new photo album is a lot easier to use and much more suitable for the bands’ purposes. If you have any photos you’d like to be added (or even new albums!), don’t hesitate to send me an email. 🙂

Also on the shiny new agenda is a member’s only section of the website. I’m not going to be putting the password here, for obvious reasons, but if you check your emails in the next few days, you should receive an email with the password in there somewhere (along with, as usual, a long ramble by yours truly!). There isn’t much in there at the moment, but that will grow with time!

If you check the Engagements Calendar, you’ll notice I’ve also scheduled a few new events (December 4th, 5th and 6th). With regards to the combined band function on the 5th, please please please please please try and make it along – Lance had been planning this for the better part of a month and a half now before he went away on holiday latst week, and we’d hate to disappoint him if he came back to a function that’s been cancelled, wouldn’t we? Wouldn’t we? It’ll be a fun night, I promise!

Also while I’m here, Kylie Fielden of the Brass Band is currently searching for photos from the Brass Band’s Singapore trip to be grouped together into a big collage! If you haven’t already, send her an email at [email protected] and see if you can’t sort something out!

Thanks all! As usual, let me know if there’s anything you want to see on the website! I’m happy to try, at the very least. 🙂
